What Is A Payday Loan and How Does It Work?
Payday loans are very short-term loans designed to provide fast cash for emergency needs. They might get you out of a jam and save you money. But payday loans can also be an expensive trap. Learn how to find the best payday loans here, but you’ll also find advice on how to avoid payday loan traps and discover alternatives to payday loans.
Credit Sesame Vs. Credit Karma
Personal finance experts say that we are all vulnerable to identity theft. But there are easy ways to defend yourself.
If you’re serious about protecting yourself from identity theft, here’s what you need to know when choosing between Credit Karma and Credit Sesame for free credit-monitoring services.
Kitchen Renovation Budget – How Much Does A Kitchen Remodel Cost?
The average cost to renovate a kitchen depends on several factors:
- Your location and labor costs
- The footprint of your kitchen
- The quality of materials and construction
This article breaks down the kitchen remodel cost for minor, mid-grade and major renovations. You’ll learn how to use a kitchen remodel cost estimator and how to get the most bang for your kitchen remodeling buck.
Dental Financing: Compare Your Dental Financing Options
There are several reasons to look into dental loans before you need one. For one thing, it makes sense to see what financing options are best for you now, before you need a dental loan. And getting prequalified or preapproved can be especially helpful when you aren’t rushed or in pain.
Payday Loan Debt Consolidation – Pay Off Payday Loans
Why do people take out expensive payday loans? Usually because they need emergency cash and are too scared or too embarrassed to try other options – or they don’t believe other sources will be fast enough or won’t approve them for a loan. And once they are in the trap, payday balances can be very hard to pay off.
How a Credit Card Cash Advance Works and When to Use One
A credit card cash advance can help in a financial emergency. Learn more about how it works to help decide if you should use one.
How to Quickly Rebuild Credit After Student Loan Default
Defaulting on student loans can have a negative impact on your credit. This guide can help you decide how to rebuild bad credit after student loan default.
Where to Get A Personal Loan
Many institutions online and on the street offer personal loans. The best personal loan lender for you is the one that works in your comfort zone and caters to consumers with your needs and credit profile.
Borrow Without The Bank – Loans You Can Get Without A Bank Account
When you want to borrow money, an obvious source to consider is a bank. Banks are well funded and in the business of lending dollars to qualified applicants. But that begs the question: Can you get a loan without a bank account?
Common Personal Loan Mistakes to Avoid
Personal loans are not the most commonly-used form of borrowing, so it’s easy to make errors when shopping or applying for a personal loan. Personal loan mistakes can be very expensive, however, so read these tips before borrowing. With just a little knowledge, you can have a successful personal loan experience.