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Investment Calculator: See How Your Money Grows Over Time

Managing Editor
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How much could your money grow if you keep investing and adding to it over time?

This calculator can help you estimate how much your initial investment could grow given the rate of return you’re seeking, additional investments you make, and the length of time you have to retirement.

Investment Calculator

In 0, your investments would be worth

How to Use the Investment Calculator

You can adjust any of the settings to better reflect your situation or test different scenarios.

Starting Amount

Enter the amount of money you’ll be investing initially. If you don’t have anything to invest at the moment or aren’t sure, you can put $0.

Additional Contributions

If you plan to make regular contributions to your initial investment, enter that amount here. Then select how frequently you’ll be making these additional contributions, whether it’s weekly, monthly, or annually. If you’re investing upfront and not planning on adding regular contributions, you can put $0 here.

Rate of Return

Enter the average annual rate of return you expect to earn on your investments.

The average annual rate of return you expect to earn on your investments plays a pivotal role in determining your financial growth. It reflects the anticipated profitability of your investment portfolio over time, influencing the accumulation of wealth and the achievement of your financial goals, making it a critical factor in financial planning. We’ve incorporated a baseline return of 6%, considered relatively conservative. You’re welcome to customize it to align with your personal investment portfolio expectations.

Years to Grow

Enter the number of years you will be investing this money.

This calculator can help you estimate how much your initial investment could grow given the rate of return you’re seeking, additional investments you make, and the length of time you have to retirement.

Compare Online Brokerages

The best brokers make it possible to invest in various financial products, including mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. Shop and compare online brokerages and robo-advisors to find the lowest fees and opening balances.

How Will Your Investments Grow?

While all investments are different, and there are no guarantees, the following chart illustrates the profound way your money can grow over time when you invest and reap the rewards of compound interest.

It’s Not Too Late to Adjust Your Investment Accounts

If your results fall outside your initial expectations, addressing potential shortfalls in your retirement planning is essential. This realization presents an opportunity to secure your financial future proactively. Here are some practical steps to consider:

Revise Your Budget

Review your current budget and identify areas where you can increase your savings. Adjusting your spending habits to allocate more toward retirement can help bridge the gap.

Reduce Retirement Expenses

Evaluate your retirement lifestyle and consider making adjustments to reduce your expected retirement expenses. Cutting back on non-essential expenditures can alleviate financial strain.

Meet with a Financial Advisor

Consulting with a financial advisor can provide valuable insights and tailored strategies for optimizing retirement savings. They can help you develop a comprehensive financial plan and investment strategy.

Diversify Your Investments

Consider diversifying your investment portfolio to potentially enhance returns while managing risk. A well-balanced investment approach can lead to more favorable outcomes.

Increase Income

Explore opportunities to boost your income, such as working part-time or pursuing a side business. Additional income sources can supplement your retirement savings.

Debt Management

Reducing and managing debt can free up more funds for retirement savings. Prioritize paying down high-interest debts to achieve financial flexibility.

Asset Liquidation

Evaluate the possibility of selling non-essential assets or downsizing your home to release equity directed towards retirement savings.

Educate Yourself

Take the initiative to learn more about retirement planning, investment options, and financial strategies. Knowledge is a valuable tool in securing your financial future.

These steps allow you to adapt to unexpected shortfalls and actively work toward a more financially secure retirement. Remember, there is always time to make positive changes to your financial plan and ensure a comfortable retirement.

“Even though the average life expectancy at age 65 is 19.4 years, 37.2% of survey respondents age 65 or older reported that their retirement savings would last ten years or less at their current rate of spending. This includes 19.4% who project their savings to run out in five years or less.”

Richard Barrington, Senior Financial Analyst

Now that you have a clearer picture of how your funds can be expected to grow, you may want to create a more detailed plan. That’s easier to do when you work with a financial advisor.

Managing Editor
Kristin Marino is a seasoned voice in the finance and education sectors, with rich experience spanning decades as a writer and editor. Kristin has lent her editorial financial expertise to platforms like MoneyRates, The Balance, and MoneyGeek. With a keen ability to distill complex financial concepts into accessible insights, she remains dedicated to guiding readers toward informed financial choices.