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Using a credit card online is one of the great conveniences of modern life — but that convenience can also be costly if you aren’t careful. You shouldn’t assume that the technology you use to shop online couldn’t also be used to make you a victim of fraud just as easily.
Even reputable companies have fallen victim to massive cyber attacks, which means that you need to take appropriate measures to protect your finances yourself. It’s more important than ever to learn about credit card security and make it part of your online shopping routine.
Here are ten simple steps you can take to keep your credit card information secure when using the card online:
Do a security check Encryption technology scrambles personal information, such as your credit card number, as it is transmitted from your computer to the merchant’s system. Look for clues that a shopping site is secure — these include:
Criminals spend a great deal of time and effort trying to get their hands on credit card information, so you should take the trouble to make their job as difficult as possible.
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